The Rain-Kissed Flowers of Eden

2 min readMar 28, 2021


Comfort (PC- unknown)

In every show I watch, in every novel I read, in every movie I sit through with a bucket of popcorn and cold water (because that is the only ambrosia I believe in) I find glimpses of myself randomly sprayed along the story: in the form of characters doing something I’d most certainly do as well, or in ideas and thoughts which strike my brain as often, if not more, I’m always a part of them and it makes me feel like I belong. Like I fit into this huge, complicated, messy jigsaw puzzle that our world is.

Validation is what I’m looking for, one might say. There are songs with lyrics so personal I wonder if they were written solely for me, yet the thought that someone else in the world has had that exact same feeling makes me happy in a melancholic way.
I wish I could meet all of them and ask them about their favorite word(s).

And thus I can’t help but feel like we’re all little bits of each other carelessly pushed together into one, the difference in intensities and amounts of how much we wish to explore one particular bit of our self making us who we really are, unique in the common world. I wonder who I’m made of and I wonder if they mind.

We’re all in the pursuit of home we forget to stop for a few moments, sit on the banks of the flow everyone has told us to go with, breathe, look around us and just enjoy where we are currently.
We’re all in the pursuit of a place which is right inside us only we are scared of being vulnerable even to ourselves.
You know regardless of whoever leaves you one day or has done so already, you will always have yourself, right?
Make sure you feel safe in your own body, then.
For mortal though it must be, it is still absolutely perfect in all its flaws.

Which reminds me, some say our bodies are made of stardust. Of dying stars, or fading stars, or simply stars twinkling up above and offering some of their light to us. It makes me happy, you know. Today, I’m this. Tomorrow I’d be someone else.
But I’ll always be here.
I won’t leave now. Or, I will.
Maybe, maybe it’s my choice entirely.

Though then again, who am I exactly if not an amalgamation of the people I know and the ones I never will?




Written by Venus

Waltzing with life one write-up at a time:)

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