3 of my favourite stars in the world as of right now are currently singing at the top of their voices in front of me. I don’t really know most of the lyrics but a silent sort of melancholy has managed to envelop me quite strangely. I do not understand it. It is uncanny not because it is unfamiliar but because I am too used to not understanding it that I don’t think I’m trying anymore.
I’m happy yet my stomach has a pit and currently, it is holding onto the very edge of the sole cliff, with a smile on its face, forcing itself to keep smiling when all it wants to do is let go. Look at me projecting onto my stomach. I just submitted an assignment that had started becoming a black hole in the backstage of my mind, consuming every single thought and thus elevating its presence. Now, the same place feels empty. Desolate. Deprived of company. No matter how taxing, toxic or exhausting, company is still company. You still feel lonely when you lose it. I cannot believe I grew attached to an assignment. Did I? Or did I grow attached to the idea of having something I could not opt-out of?
I don’t know what I’m writing, all I know is that I want to. I want words to give me company. I feel slightly lonely, even when I’m surrounded by my 3 most favourite stars in the entire world.
What do I do?
I know I need to end this but my eyes are ready to drown with the very thought of it so I won’t, I won’t end this, even if it is selfish, I will let this sentence continue forever without putting a period to end it because then i will be able to come back to it every time my mind feels alone and is that not what-