About Conversations and the Night

2 min readJul 10, 2021


There is something very vulnerable and thus beautiful about conversations held outside. Especially the ones at night.
I’ve had the loveliest, deepest conversations on my terrace, or their terrace, or in the park while walking with them or just on a 3 am call I took while sitting on the floor of my balcony and I recently realized the 2 things all of them had in common- openness and the night.

The absence of physical walls automatically eradicates mental walls as well, I’ve discovered. While inside a room bound by cement and bricks, it is extremely easy to restrict your thought process, the same cannot be said for when you’re outside. It is as if seeing the entire world in its glory normalizes and even simplifies the issues which would otherwise seem central to one’s life. Countless people go through the same obstacles and yet fear talking about them in fear of being judged.
I wonder a lot about that. If we would just let go, will the world be a lighter place?

But back to the point, I genuinely adore conversations about everything and anything- the universe, trees, life, death, destiny, fate, God, religion, sex, relationships, love, sadness, anger etc. They’ve no bounds and are never-ending. You can never actually stop theorizing about them because they’re so vast that even in their restrictions is limitless thought space. It is comforting to a large extent and so marvellous too.

Recently, I participated in one such open conversation myself with a person dearly important to me and suffice to say, it offered the sort of comfort even a cup of hot brownie and vanilla ice cream cannot lend.

Maybe this write-up of mine is nothing but a sign for you to go have one yourself:)




Written by Venus

Waltzing with life one write-up at a time:)

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